We hope everyone is staying safe and doing as well as possible. We are happy to announce that we will be resuming normal hours at our downtown location by appointment. (Bel Air is closed, and unfortunately may remain closed permanently. We still intend to take care of our Bel Air patients and have some creative ideas, please feel free to email to find out what options we have) As a refresher, our regular hours are Tuesday thru Friday 10-6 and Saturday 10-5. YES, We will be starting today! Appointments will be scheduled on the half hour. Please call 410-528-1877 to set one up. Also Doc Larry will be back doing eye exams Fridays via appointment with hourly appointments starting at 10 and ending at 5 available. (That's an entire hour with Doc Larry, I can't imagine how many bad jokes he can fit in during 2X the normal exam time) We will be following all CDC guidelines in order to keep you and our staff safe. This includes: *Mand...