New Arrival 4: Boz

Fresh from winning awards at IOFT (International Optical Fair Tokyo) and Silmo(a big fancy show in Paris) we have some really wicked hot (note the faux Boston accent) new frames from Boz, the sister collection to the french line J.F. Rey. Actually I can't say with certainty that they're brother and sister...they could be cousins or mother/daughter or lovers for all I know. (Hopefully not any combination of the above). In any event we have a bunch in stock including the "Silmo d'or" winning Kaprisse and Kanel models. I know "Silmo d'or" sounds awfully close to "soup d'jour" but I assure it's way cooler and guaranteed not to burn the roof of your mouth or to stain your blouse.

Pictured above is the Kanel model in rouge/noir or red/black for all you non-french speaking neanderthals. Of course included in that group is yours truly, but I'm fluent in pig latin so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Unless of course that you don't have a pipe...then you can just ignore me like the rest of my immediate family.


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